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First of all, thank you for visiting our news section. Here, we share the latest business news, our own insights into business challenges and thought-leadership articles to stimulate different points of view and perspectives. We offer this across categories related to our research, plan, change and enable service pillars.

Secondly, all of our content is original and created by Think Beyond for the benefit of our readers. Across our six categories, you can find latest insights, thoughts, opinions and analysis. Thanks again for visiting and enjoy the content.

On 30th October 2024, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, will outline the new Government’s tax and spending plans. The Bank of England (BoE) lowered interest rates by 0.25% to 5.0% on 1st August. The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rose by 2.2% in the

It may have escaped your attention but there are serious moves taking place in the delivery sector. Nearly 50% of delivery volume in the UK is changing hands. Yes, that’s right. From Royal Mail to Evri, Yodel and Tuffnells, new ownership has either happened

You have probably realised that this article is about the recent Crowdstrike security update. On 19th July 2024, everything from airlines to banks operating Microsoft Windows machines failed to boot. Users across the globe were treated to the BSOD (blue screen of death) and

Most of us understand NPS. Many B2B companies currently capture and compare NPS scores. Many B2C organisations rely on Trustpilot reviews of their products or services. There are of course many other platforms to provide customer satisfaction scores and feedback, depending on your wares.

The common wisdom is that an incoming CEO has about three months to prove themselves. They either start at breakneck speed, trying to be all things to all people, or stutter on the foundations. But what if incoming CEOs take two years to prove

Yes, it’s the not-so-new buzzword to describe charging more for your goods or services. In the past, we might have referred to this as tiered pricing, segment/target/position or differentiation. In essence, many brands are looking to push more upmarket with renewed offerings. Examples include

Like any problem, falling employee engagement is solvable. According to recent research by Gallup, only 1 in 10 of UK workers reports feeling ‘engaged’ at work. Yes, that means that 9 in 10 are not engaged, motivated or giving their best. Some of these

As of June 2024, the UK has about 10.9m without a job. This comprises 9.434m economically inactive and 1.510m unemployed, making an estimated total of 10.944m. This nearly 11 million people are aged 16-64 and capable of contributing to the economy. So, are they

We have all seen that leader or manager who remains upbeat and pumped when the sky is falling down. The boss who exclaims, “You’ll get through this”, or repeatedly says to the team, “Yes, we can do this!”, are some examples. Despite redundancies, intense

Productivity is the amount of output, or gross value added, per worker per hour worked. It stands to reason that if you can increase the numerator rather than the denominator, productivity increases. Exporting more goods and services is a great way to boost productivity.

Although we have seen our fair share of casualties during recent crises, many are actually recording record results. Cost-of-living crisis? Technical recession? Slow growth? Not for everyone. With some businesses seeing record profits despite downturns and recessions, there are clearly winners and losers. But

In terms of secondary social groups, full-time workers and drivers are two of the largest. For example, nearly 42m people hold a driving licence out of a population of 67m, or roughly 62% of people. Similarly, nearly 29m are employed in the UK, or