We are excited to announce that Think Beyond is a winner at The High Sheriff’s Awards for Enterprise 2021/22! Nominated in the category for digital innovation, awarded for the most innovative use of technology for business transformation. We accepted the award at a fantastic evening event in Chester, accompanied by one of our customers. Read on to find out more.
Winner in Digital Innovation
At the 15th High Sheriff’s Awards for Enterprise, Think Beyond’s founder picked up the award on the night, Thursday 7th April 2022. In partnership with the University of Chester, the awards offer prestigious accolades to Cheshire organisations. Think Beyond is honoured to be recognised by The High Sheriff of Cheshire, Robert Mee DL.
We became a finalist for our neuroscience work focusing on how the brain influences behaviour. This gives us insight into neural links to psychological processes when exposed to brands, campaigns, experiences and packaging. Our solutions are delivered online and via apps to find answers to business questions that otherwise go unanswered. We are delighted that these cutting-edge innovations were recognised at such a prestigious awards gathering.
What it means to us
As a micro-organisation, winning any award is a huge achievement. It was particularly gratifying when hearing and seeing the high calibre of organisations involved. Award nominees covered innovations for Covid-19 safety, AI, software and even a high-growth, prebiotic FMCG brand, based in Chester (whose products we adore, by the way).
Speaking on the night, Mercè said, “I can’t believe we won. When I heard some of the other nominees speak about their work, I thought we didn’t have a chance. I think I screamed when our name was read aloud!”
What better way to celebrate the award than to take along a customer for the evening. We were delighted to share in the success with Melissa, pictured here alongside our founder.

A word from our co-founder
Speaking after the event, Steven added, “This is incredible. I am so happy that we won. We work hard for recognition as a micro-entity and to win this prestigious award is humbling. I am delighted for Mercè, who made the opportunity happen with the customer. I am also thrilled for Melissa who shared in the excitement. And last, but not least, we could not have won the award without our two fabulous neuroscientists. They are personal friends – truly amazing people, and we work with them to deliver innovative research solutions for businesses.”
Neuroscience winner High Sheriff’s Awards
Having conducted work with a handful of universities and business schools, we understand innovation. From start-up to growth fund or entrepreneur to enterprise awards, growth stems from innovative ideas and businesses. That’s one reason why we offer neuroscience research services.
Neuroscientific techniques have huge applications for businesses. We can deploy these techniques to enhance brands, advertising, customer experience, employee experience, packaging and more. As we begin to understand just how much of our thinking and decisions are unconscious, neuroscience becomes key. As a way of improving research design, reducing bias in results and connecting emotionally with customers, employees and other stakeholders, neuroscience is truly innovative.
A final word on being a winner and The High Sheriff
Mercè picked up the award (which we will proudly display in our HQ in Knutsford) and met The High Sheriff of Chester. She later added, “It was absolutely fantastic to pick up the award at the Churchill Centre at the University of Chester. It was a privilege to accept the award from The High Sheriff of Cheshire, Robert Mee DL. I think I just about managed to say thank you when up on the stage due to the excitement and adrenaline. Our knees were shaking when we got back to our seats. We met some amazing people and I would like to thank The High Sheriff for his kind words on the night. It is a night that I will never forget.”
A winning management consultancy at The High Sheriff’s Awards
Think Beyond is a management consultancy that offers research, planning and change services to enable accelerated time to value. As a flexible and agile organisation, we have 10 people that allow us to offer a broad range of specialist services and frameworks. We underpin those services with a philosophy of helping businesses to see things differently. Our aim is to boost your results and your business performance, so that you can reinvest the proceeds. In summary, we think a little differently and we are happy winners of the Digital Innovation category at The High Sheriff’s Awards 2021/22.
If you would like to find out more, why not check out a little more about us.
If you would like to speak with us, please call 01565 632206 or email sales@think-beyond.co.uk. Alternatively, why not leave a few details on our website and we will call you.
Finally, read more about The High Sheriff’s Awards at chester.ac.uk/high-sheriffs-awards-enterprise